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Commercial Processing

Commercial spinning is undertaken in large premises, sometimes with the scouring (washing) being out-sourced.  Alpaca specific spinning mills in the UK are few as they are specialized facilities that process alpaca fibre into yarn and other products.  

Challenges of Processing

Processing alpaca fibre comes with several challenges:

  1. Cleaning and Sorting: Alpaca fibre needs thorough cleaning to remove dirt and debris which can be labour intensive
  2. Lack of Processing Facilities: There are limited facilities equipped to handle alpaca fibre, especially in smaller quantities
  3. Cost: Processing alpaca fibre can be deemed expensive, particularly for small-scale operations however do consider what your cost involves 
  4. Knowledge and Expertise: Properly processing alpaca fibre requires specific knowledge and skills specific to the task.
  5. Consistency: Achieving consistent quality in the processed fibre can be challenging due to variations in the raw material & processors generally have the knowledge & expertise to assist you

Despite these challenges, with the right support and collaboration, alpaca fibre can be a valuable and sustainable resource. Talk to the mills – most are very willing to help.