Month: March 2022

Neil Payne – 29th March 2022

Neil Payne –  March 29th 2022 The Challenges of running an alpaca farm on an Island   For all of you Grockles or North Islanders I thought I would share, just a few of, the challenges of living on an Island while running an alpaca farm. The Isle of Wight is a beautiful place to… Read more »

Elaine  Clarke – 21st March 2022

So much has happened on our farm since my last blog. I don’t even know where to start… so I will keep it short and very sweet. I had the pleasure of travelling to the Netherlands last weekend to attend the Alpaca Association Benelux Spring Show! It is always exciting to meet old friends and… Read more »

Judith Newman – 14th March 2022

Judith Newman-14 March 2022 Talking of exciting things the BAS National Show is almost upon us and what a celebration that is going to be after a three-year absence. Good luck to everyone who has entered and to all those of you who are visiting the show have a great time and make the most… Read more »

Paul Hetherington

There are times when I impress my wife – at least I think there was once – and times when she just shakes her head. This was a head shaking moment: The wheel bearing collapsed on my muck trailer. What should I do? Search eBay for a replacement, get confused by the choice and probably… Read more »