Author: British Alpaca Society

Clara Boulton -1 June 2021

Like most, our favourite ‘alpaca seasons’ are in full swing, shearing and birthing! I adore looking at the fleeces as they come off, and we are already starting to plan all the crafty things we can get up to with them. My other favourite thing about this time of year is looking at my paddocks.… Read more »

Elaine Clarke – 10th may 2021

At this time of year, our focus is usually centred around the seasonal triad of shearing, births and matings. With our shearing all complete, we have now been fortunate enough to welcome the first of our cria into the world. To date, three of our females have unpacked but to say the weather has been… Read more »

Emma Taylor  – 15 April 2021

Shearing time is upon us! I am no doubt preaching to the converted and now is hardly early, but please ensure you book or ideally re-book your shearer early. Many a time I see posts on both the BAS Chat Forum & Alpaca Chat UK asking for shearers in June, July or even later. Think… Read more »

Kate Brookes  – 29 March 2021

As I sit here writing this, with the sun streaming in the window, I’m wishing my life away, well about two weeks of it anyway. That’s how long it is until the first cria is due on the farm. We mate from the start of May until early July, meaning our cria are expected from Mid April until the… Read more »

Duncan Pullar  – 15 March 2021

Very few new technologies are revolutionary in that they do not wipe away everything that went before. They tend to be rather more gentle in the way they “take over”.  Motor cars overlapped with horses for 50 years, petrol cars will overlap with electric models for 30 years, and so on. In society there are… Read more »

Clara Boulton – 8 March 2021

Since joining the board, it has somehow seemed extremely busy ‘at home’ despite the lockdown. From being elected, I really enjoyed the first meeting, which was on my 25th birthday. It was so exciting to have an excuse to properly have to think and brainstorm for a good while. Over the various lockdowns from March… Read more »

Ken Freivokh  – 1 March 2021

Some 12 years ago, Liz and I were offered the opportunity to purchase land adjoining our cottage.    With an offer accepted, we looked at each other, and the question was – what would be the best use of such fields?   We both love animals, it clearly was an opportunity to look after some, yet my… Read more »