Kate Brookes – 13 Feb 2022
Kate Brookes – 13 Feb 2022
When you are asked to prepare an alpaca blog for Valentine’s Day what else could it cover than love!
Just over a year ago I spent some time planning the alpaca matings – who would be mated to who; what qualities would the male and female bring to the partnership; how likely was I to be able to get my favourite appaloosa patterning gene passing on to the offspring and so many other things.
In May and June 2021 those matings took place and it is now only around 4 weeks until the first cria start to arrive, well maybe three weeks or maybe nine, we all know how flexible alpaca gestations are! It’s felt like forever, and it still seems like there is a huge amount of time until the cria are actually out and running around. But already it’s back to planning the matings for 2023 cria. Some plans will wait to see what a particular mating has produced, others I already have decided. I thought it would be easier with more stud males, but actually I think it makes the decisions harder as each male brings its own characteristics to the offspring and there are so many variables to consider. There’s definitely nothing simple or quick about breeding alpacas!
Anyway, that’s enough love from me I’m sure! I wish you all a happy cria season, with plenty of cute photos for those that aren’t breeding themselves, and easy birthing for those that are.”