Shearing is essential for good welfare and harvesting fibre
Alpacas are sheared once a year, usually in the Spring and Summer. If not sheared the fleece will continue to grow and may cause distress. Some Suri may be shorn every other year.
List of shearers
(In alphabetical order of surname)
J Blake
Based: UK
Mobile: 07511 015840
John Davies
Based: Wales and English Borders
Mobile: 07779 553427
James Hamilton
Based: SW and West Midlands
Tel: 01242 506500
Mobile: 07540 621042
David & Moragh Harrison
Based: South East
Tel: 01983 555080
Mobile: 07734 830325
Ian Horner
Based: South & South West
Tel: 01963 351743
Mobile: 07974 314211
Matthew Kyle
Tel: Messenger
Garry Naish
Based: Bristol and surrounding areas
Mobile: 07785 116211
Tony Neaves
Based: South East England
Mobile: 07814 519990
Colin Ottery
Based: S.W. England
Mobile: 07773 440354
Susie Parish
Based: South of England and France
Mobile: 07767 765646
Bob Shaw
Based: UK & Europe
Mobile: 07889 053826
Sandra Scott
Tel: 01763 242724
Mobile: 07942859661
Jamie Taylor
Based: UK & Southern Ireland
Mobile: 07969331660
Dave Thomas
Based: Carmarthen (shears at weekends but will travel as far as Gloucestershire)
Mobile: 07881 696310
Ben Wheeler
Based: Countrywide
Mobile: 07770 375300
Jonathan Waters
Based: North of England
Mobile: 07803692495
John and Jackie Waugh
Tel: 01434 240267
Mobile: 07714 462424
Kirsti Wilde
Mobile: 07748 613771
Nigel Wood
Tel: Messenger
Shearer recruitment
The BAS Apprentice Shearing Scheme has 5-10 places available each year. Training is scheduled for a date in May on a suitable alpaca farm. To apply you need to complete a questionnaire and send it back to ceo@bas-uk.com. Candidates with some shearing experience are preferred (sheep or alpacas).
Over two days candidates will get hands-on training in shearing techniques. Further optional training in the wider aspects of running a shearing day will be available over two further days.
The tutor is Colin Ottery. The cost to each candidate is £300 (payable to Colin) of which £150 will be paid by BAS to the candidate on completion of the course. Travel, accommodation, and food expenses sit with the candidates.